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Selasa, 25 September 2007

Islamic Poetry

Posted by Abu Hannan On 11:27:00 PTG No comments

I watched the sun rise today.
It brought a smile to my face.
Along with thoughts of the new day:
A clean slate, new chances,
and fresh opportunities. Alhamdulillah.
The sunrise also made me think of you;
Of my fresh chance for happiness,
Of the happiness I already have
Because of my love for you. Subhanallah.
The love I feel for you is different
From the 'love' I've felt before.
It is a quiet, gentle, tender love.
Purer, more mature,
The right way to love.
Perhaps it is a true love
That is finally welling in my heart.
Only time will tell,
But for now, know this:
I love you Allah.
"Give gifts to each other, as this will make
you love one another."
(Hadith narrated by Muslim)

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Tembusi Petra, Jordan Slideshow: BenTaleb’s trip was created by TripAdvisor. Create a free slideshow with music from your travel photos.
Sabda Baginda SAW ; "Ketahuilah ia (Dajjal) berada di laut Syam atau laut Yaman.. akan datang dari arah timur (lalu menunjukkan dengan tangan baginda).."[Riwayat Muslim]. Daripada Abi Bakr al-Siddiq r.a, sabda Baginda SAW, "Dajjal akan muncul ke bumi dari arah timur bernama KHURASAN." [Riwayat al-Tirmizi]. Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a, sabda Baginda SAW, "Dajjal akan keluar dari kota Yahudi ISFAHAN (Khurasan, IRAN) bersama 70,000 penduduk ISFAHAN". [Fath al-Rabbani Tartib Musnad Ahmad. Ibn Hajar berkata : "Sahih"]. Ibn Kathir berkata, Dajal pada mulanya akan muncul dari ISFAHAN dari sebuah kota Yahudi [al-Nihayah fi al-Fitan wa al-Malahim]. ISFAHAN adalah sebuah bandar terbesar YAHUDI di Iran dan pusat loji nuklear Iran pada masa kini.