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Isnin, 31 Mei 2010

Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet

Posted by Abu Hannan On 4:44:00 PTG 6 comments

Petikan dari malaysiakini
Rakyat Malaysia yang menaiki sebuah daripada enam flotila bantuan kemanusiaan kepada penduduk Gaza diserang kapal perang Israel mengakibatkan 16 orang terbunuh manakala puluhan lagi cedera.

Menurut The Star, rakyat Malaysia itu adalah krew televisyen dari Astro yang menaiki kapal dari Turki.

Sementara itu menurut AFP yang memetik laporan televisyen yang dimiliki Hamas, anggota komando Israel menyerbu sekurang-kurangnya sebuah kapal yang didakwa dipenuhi aktivis pro-Palestin yang berjuang untuk Gaza.

Televisyen Al-Aqsa Gaza, menunjukkan imej video komando Israel yang berpakaian serba hitam turun daripada helikopter dan bertempur dengan kumpulan aktivis, di mana beberapa yang cedera kelihatan terbaring di atas dek kapal itu.

Rangkaian televisyen berkenaan berkata, dua aktivis terbunuh manakala 50 yang lain cedera.

Tentera Israel enggan mengulas laporan itu dan penganjur konvoi bantuan berkata, mereka terputus hubungan dengan bot berkenaan.

Kapal itu membawa lebih 700 penumpang, iaitu peringkat terakhir misi berprofil tinggi bagi menghantar lebih 10,000 tan bekalan bangunan dan yang lain ke Gaza, di mana keadaan di situ lumpuh akibat sekatan Israel sejak 2007. 

Israel boards Gaza-bound ships, 15 reported dead

JERUSALEM, May 31 — About 15 people were killed today when the Israeli navy intercepted a convoy of aid ships that activists were trying to sail to the Gaza Strip, Israel’s Channel 10 private television network said.
According to news reports, a Malaysian television crew were also on one of the ships that were boarded.
Earlier, a spokesman for the Free Gaza Movement which organised the six-ship flotilla said at least two were killed.
Casualties could hurt Israel’s international image and diplomatic relations, especially its long-time regional Muslim ally Turkey, whose flag some of the aid ships were flying.
Israel has said it was absolutely determined to maintain its blockade of the Islamist Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, a Palestinian territory of 1.5 million. It has previously halted such activist ships, although others have reached Gaza before.
Amid Israeli military censorship and a refusal of Israeli officials to comment on what appeared to be a continuing operation three hours after dawn broke over the Mediterranean, Channel 10 made clear it was not citing foreign sources.
After initially reporting that at least 10 people were dead, it later said the death toll was between 14 and 16. It said commandos who had boarded the convoy were still conducting searches and encountering what it called violent resistance.
“Two people have been killed on board the Turkish boat and 30 or more were wounded,” said Mary Hughes Thompson, a spokeswoman for the Free Gaza Movement, which was behind the convoy.
“As far as we know IDF (Israeli military) commandos descended on the boat from helicopters and took it over.”
The convoy set off in international waters off Cyprus yesterday in defiance of an Israeli-led blockade of the Gaza Strip and warnings that it would be intercepted.
The flotilla was organised by pro-Palestinian groups and a Turkish human rights organisation. Turkey had urged Israel to allow it safe passage and said the 10,000 tonnes of aid the convoy was carrying was humanitarian.
Turkey, long Israel’s best Muslim friend and a key ally in a hostile Middle East, was highly critical of Israel’s attack on Gaza 18 months ago, in which 1,400 Palestinians were killed. Relations between the two states are now distinctly chilly and bloodshed at sea will do nothing to improve them.
CNN showed pictures of a commando apparently sliding down a rope and clashing with a man wielding a stick. Other TV images showed what appeared to be rubber boarding launches.
France 24 television aired video of a woman in a Muslim headdress holding a stretcher with a large bloodstain on it. Below her lay a man, apparently wounded, in a blanket.
Israel had said it would prevent the convoy from reaching the Gaza Strip.
Israel and Egypt tightened a blockade on Gaza after Hamas took over the territory in 2007. Israel launched a devastating military offensive in Gaza in December 2008 with the aim of halting daily rocket fire towards its cities.
Most of the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza rely on aid, blaming Israel for imposing restrictions on the amount and type of goods it allows into the territory.
The United Nations and Western powers have urged Israel to ease its restrictions to prevent a humanitarian crisis. They have been urging Israel to let in concrete and steel to allow for post-war reconstruction.
Israel denies there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, saying food, medicine and medical equipment are allowed in regularly. It says the restrictions are necessary to prevent weapons and materials that could be used to make them from reaching Hamas. — Reuters

6 Komen:

Well, nothing to do anyway. We might lose our citizens there in the skirmish, but the U.S. and Israel will just wave them off as 'terrorists' bringing 'weapons' to the 'rogue state'. What can we do ? All that those Zionists inside their comfy Knesset know is that they are God's select children and the rest of us including you and me are just wretched goyims anyway. They snuffed out 1000++ people over a duration of 2 months in a rocks-versus-guns war and got away with it, right? They will get away with this too, I'm positive.

Jihad mean struggle to do right for Allah. The meaning from the other wrong part in other muslim which you don't denounce is chopping heads off for Allah!!

Semoga Allah membalas dengan balasan yg setimpal terhadap yahudi Israel dan rejim zionis ini!..

Israel tak kenal lagi dengan orang melayu islam,


THH terus memainkan peranan mjalankan misi KORBAN di LAUT MERAH didalam misi KEAMANAN.TINDAKAN yang cuba menakut-nakutkan zion yang berada di TANAH EREZION.(rahsia didalam rahsia)

Tindakan pantas tentera ISRAEL(komando)mereka menyerang secara total dilakukan atas tindakan PROVAKATIF(musuh didalam selimut) di dalam MISI KEAMANAN yang dapat menjayakan KORBAN.#SPARK TO IGNITE FIRE. FIRE TO ATTACK# Secara tindak langsung ada yang perlu diculik sebagai tukaran KEAMANAN.(LIHAT NANTI).Yang berakhir ada pihak yang perlu dicucuk hidung dan ditarik tali dihidungnya.Kita akan lihat pula sape pula yang akan jadi HERO sebagai JURURUNDING(orang kita ke?) yang telah dirancang untuk terus mewujudkan sengketa yang berpanjangan. Terang sudah PANJI-PANJI yang di bawa didalam LL4G adalah panji-panji PAUS V. PAUS tetap akan menggunakan kuasa "V" pada bila-bila masa. Sedang MISI sebenar dilokasi sebenar terus dikelirukan.TINDAKAN didalam TINDAKAN.

Semua PEMIMPIN didunia akan terus menerus mengutuk rejim ZIONis. produksi wayang tinggi. Gajah-gajah bermain bola sebelum piala dunia bermula, habis pelanduk yang jadi mangsa untuk dipijak. PELANDUK tetap jadi mangsa di dalam MISI masing-masing yang terselindung dek YAHUDI-YAHUDI itu. Pakailah pakaian mcmanapun...berjubah...berkot dan bertali leher...berserban sekali pun...berhijab sekalipun....berbaju tentera sekalipun...atau berbaju bulan sabit merah sekalipun....mangsa tetap mangsa oleh tangan-tangan YAHUDI.(LAKONAN DIDALAM LAKONAN)

ulasan mengarut yang mencarut. buat bodoh je apa yang aku tulis.saje-saje...he he he...

ceh...israel xkenal melayu islam lg konon...kt mlysia brapa ramai yg murtad ko x buat apa2 pun..brapa ramai melayu islam kt disko2 ko biar je...xnak g bakar?melayu sendri pn xbetul lg eddie...

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Sabda Baginda SAW ; "Ketahuilah ia (Dajjal) berada di laut Syam atau laut Yaman.. akan datang dari arah timur (lalu menunjukkan dengan tangan baginda).."[Riwayat Muslim]. Daripada Abi Bakr al-Siddiq r.a, sabda Baginda SAW, "Dajjal akan muncul ke bumi dari arah timur bernama KHURASAN." [Riwayat al-Tirmizi]. Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a, sabda Baginda SAW, "Dajjal akan keluar dari kota Yahudi ISFAHAN (Khurasan, IRAN) bersama 70,000 penduduk ISFAHAN". [Fath al-Rabbani Tartib Musnad Ahmad. Ibn Hajar berkata : "Sahih"]. Ibn Kathir berkata, Dajal pada mulanya akan muncul dari ISFAHAN dari sebuah kota Yahudi [al-Nihayah fi al-Fitan wa al-Malahim]. ISFAHAN adalah sebuah bandar terbesar YAHUDI di Iran dan pusat loji nuklear Iran pada masa kini.